Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 4, 2013

12 Months

Carson is (a little over) 1 year old now!  It has gone by way to fast.  He is walking every where now and trying out new words.  He loves to eat, I only wish he loved to sleep as much.  He loves to play and he adores Jacob.
12 month stats - 24.2 lbs - 68%
                         30.75 in - 77%

I keep telling myself that I'll catch up on the blog soon... we'll see what happens!

Happy Friday!

Monday, August 19, 2013

11 Months

How can Carson be 11 months old already?! I can't believe I have started planning his birthday party!
At 11 months, Carson is so busy and everywhere all at once!  He is crawling and pulling up all the time.  No steps yet, but I don't think it will be too much longer.  He is still eating a lot and taking 5 bottles a day.  We are starting to switch from a bottle to a cup, so wish us luck.  He is in mostly 12 months clothes and still wearing a size 4 diapers.  His sleep is getting a little more consistent during the day and he is sleeping 10-12 hours at night.  Everyone says, and I have to agree, that Carson is such a happy baby.  He is so loving and loves hugs!

I know I'm more than a little behind on blogging this year, I will make an attempt to catch up soon!
Happy Monday!

Monday, July 22, 2013

10 Month

Wow, 10 months.  I'm honestly not too sure how that happened. 
Carson is growing and learning SO much these days.  I forgot how fun and busy this phase can be.  He is crawling super fast, pulling up, and cruising around furniture.  I have a feeling he will be walking before we know it. 
We have started giving Carson some table food with his baby food and he is loving it!  He will throw his bottle down for a few bites off our plates any day! 
Carson has just started wearing his 12 month clothes and is still in size 4 diapers.  He is growing a lot, but mostly in length right now. 
Jacob and Carson are really starting to play together and enjoy each other so much now.  Carson claps and yells when Jacob wakes up from his nap and they are always happy to play together.  I am impressed how patient Jacob is with Carson and how well he shares and interacts with him.  Jacob is such a good big brother!
Also, the pictures are getting to be a bit challenging!

Friday, June 21, 2013

9 Months

Carson is really on the move now!  He is crawling everywhere, very quickly, and pulling up wherever he can.  He is growing too.  He's barely fitting in his 6-9 month clothes these days.  He is in a size 4 diaper.  He is still taking 5 bottles a day and eating 3 meals with snacks.  We've started letting him try "real" food and he loves getting to eat what we eat.  He is still eating baby food most of the time, though.  Carson's sleeping schedule is pretty consistent most of the time, 10-12 hours at night and 2-3 during the day.  He loves to try to do whatever Jacob does and he follows his around all day.  I am so glad they play well together.  Jacob loves to show him things and let him play with his toys!

Happy Friday!

8 Month Picture

I finally found a way to make blogger upload my pictures again! Better late than never!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

8 Months

Carson is 8 months and, wow, is he growing now!  He's over 21 pounds and wearing size 6/9 clothes and 4 diapers.  He is taking 5 bottles and eating 3 times a day. He has 2 teeth and started crawling and pulling up last week in Destin!  I cannot believe how fast he's checking off his milestones! 
Carson loves to be held and he loves to "talk."  He's sleeping 2-3 hours during the day and 9-11 at night.  So far, he seems to be in a great routine. 
Everyone who meets him comments what a happy baby he seems to be, and he really is.  We are blessed to have him in our family!

Blogger still won't upload my photos, but I will try to get it up soon!

Trying to catch up

I know I'm a little behind on my blog post, but I've been just a little busy lately.  Forgive me if this gets long, but I will try to give you a quick recap of our year so far.
1. I turned 29 for the second time - crazy how that happens - and had a great time celebrating with my family and friends.
2. I also started selling Origami Owl.  It has been great so far and part of the reason I've been a little extra busy.  (go to if you want to check it out!)
We had a great Valentine's Day this year.  I'm still not too sure if Jacob knows what he is celebrating, but he loves celebrating!
A and I went to Branson to celebrate our 6 year anniversary while Jacob and Carson enjoyed a weekend with Kay-Kay and Papa.  We enjoyed a nice weekend visiting in New Albany and celebrated Easter here at home.  The boys loved Easter - all the egg hunts and Easter baskets.  It's so much fun to see them celebrating holidays!
Honestly, April was pretty calm for the most part.  We spent a lot of time enjoying the nice weather and being at home. 
I'm really sorry there are no pictures on the post, but blogger won't let me upload for some reason.  I will try to get a catch-up-picture-post soon.